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GUEST API Webhooks

This page provides details about webhook call descriptions and return types.

Each webhook call returns a list of objects. If the list contains one object, it represents the updated object. If the list contains two objects, the first object is the updated one and the second is the previous version, allowing for comparison within your system.

Additionally, each webhook call includes a header, “UpdateType,” with possible values: [“Delete”, “Insert”, “Update”], indicating the type of modification.

The call will always be sent to the WebhookURL. In the event of a non-successful status code (400-500), the same request will be sent to the FallBackUrl, if it is configured.

Currently, there is no support for retrying in case of a delivery failure to the FallBackUrl.

When subscribing to an endpoint, you must be authenticated and possess the required permissions to access the subscribe endpoint.

Subscription names must be unique, though WebhookURLs do not need to be. This allows you to subscribe to different endpoints, such as Reservations and Tasks, using different names but the same WebhookURL, ensuring all information is sent to the same URL, if configured on your end.


subscribeType = “reservations”

When one of the following properties of a Reservation is changed, a webhook notification will be sent:

  • Arrival date
  • Exit Date
  • Assigned Room
  • Reservation status
  • Reservation invoice status
  • RoomType bill code
  • RoomType use code
  • BoardType bill code
  • BoardType use code
  • A change in amount of Guests
  • Reservation responsible

In this case, the object sent will be a List of ReservationsUpdateDTO with only one item, corresponding to the updated Reservation.


"reservation_id": 0,
"appCustomer_id": 0,
"center_id": 0,
"arrivalDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"exitDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"rsvStatus": 0,
"rsvInvoiceStatus": 0,
"roomTypeUse_id_fk": 0,
"roomTypeFra_id_fk": 0,
"boardTypeUse_id_fk": 0,
"boardTypeFra_id_fk": 0,
"roomId": 0,
"reference": "string",
"responsible": "string",
"ad": 0,
"jr": 0,
"ch": 0,
"bb": 0


reservation_idinteger(int32)falsenoneReservation identifier
appCustomer_idinteger(int32)falsenoneAppCustomer identifier
center_idinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneCenter identifier
arrivalDatestring(date-time)¦nullfalsenoneArrival date
exitDatestring(date-time)¦nullfalsenoneExit date
rsvStatusinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneReservation status identifier
rsvInvoiceStatusinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneReservation invoice status identifier
roomTypeUse_id_fkinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneRoomType use identifier
roomTypeFra_id_fkinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneRoomType bill identifier
boardTypeUse_id_fkinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneBoardType use identifier
boardTypeFra_id_fkinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneBoardType bill identifier
roomIdinteger(int32)¦nullfalsenoneRoom identifer
responsiblestring¦nullfalsenoneResrevation responsible
adinteger(int32)falsenoneNum Adult
jrinteger(int32)falsenoneNum Junior
chinteger(int32)falsenoneNum Child
bbinteger(int32)falsenoneNum Baby


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